

My feelings are like a  huge stone which I can’t hold in the hands. In any absolutely casual moment you simply fill with yourself all my personal space with a word, gesture, an act, becoming invariable, necessary, inevitable for it. It seems to me that you will leave this life through grasses on the coals, shrouded in a smell fragrant smokes and weightless dreams of others, accompanying you all your life. The rusty mechanism of a universal skeleton... What will fall into my given hand from burnt down, just flown away minutes?....
Where are the drops of that incomprehensible and inevitable potion which time accidentally adds into water that we drink?....
I call to you - faces that became strange and distant with fading lines…Sometimes we will meet at the bridge over silent and sleepy river in a deep forest.....
I will come to the dark river crossing with a candle in my hands and you will come to meet me as ghosts coming to any light. Can you distinguish me from the candle? I will get lost in faint sounds of branches and shadows of the old trees. I can’t live separately from you. The things that have already happened just a second ago are not past yet but already mine, uncontrolled, unproven. I will love you till my dying day and even then after death I will not stop loving you. I want to know what is your every breath in this world filled with? I am ready to cry that I am not with you right now. I wish I was near you.....
When I touch you, a stone in the ring at my hand turns from light cyan into deep blue. It is a color of my love. My love is like winter. I can study forever each and every trace left in your heart by my love. These traces are like frosty patterns on the window. They are incredible, unpredictable, almost mysterious. And every my breath and your heartbeat these patterns melt, changing into something even more beautiful than before.....
The winter is not horrible, it invigorates you. The cold embraces all your body into frost cuffs, but it is only to make your head clear and lucid. Summer brings excessive dreams, feelings, emotions… Summer heat fogs your mind, sometimes substituting your feelings, emotions, senses. Abundance of colors and paints that don’t let you see the real thing, what we really fell with the heart.....
Flowers don’t blossom in a winter, except the flowers that thrive in your heart when you touch me. And this is truth, a reality that can’t be missed with anything

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